Monday, April 26, 2010

Holding It Back

A big issue I have is confrontation. Well, I think a large chunk of the globe has this issue. Today, I was a big brat to one of my friends because I wanted to tell them something, but being the huge chicken I am, I wouldn't do it. So, I got all frustrated and silence-y with them even though it was my own issue. They don't know why I'm being a fatty dork about this whole thing. Es mi problema. Well, the problem is about them, but that is a completely different story that maybe I will blog about once this is all sorted out(which will never happen at this pace). We will see what happens and this will all blow over soon. No worries.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Soar Into Fashion

Since the beginning of time (a few months ago), I discovered this dress at Anthropologie. It is my dream dress...along with some others from this establishment. It is currently on the clearance rack and I will continue to keep my pretty little eye on it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Word Problems

For homework tonight in Geometry, I have a worksheet on perimeter word problems. First of all, Geometry sucks to put it simply, but these word problems are ridiculous. It's like the elements to each problem are trying to out do each other. For example, One problem is asking for the lengths of the sides of the triangle when you only know the perimeter. Each sentence in the problem gets tenser and tenser. "Side A is 50 times greater than half of side C. Side C is 500 times larger than the previous answer minus 43 on Side B. Then, to get the most difficult and complicated answer of your life, divide 789 by Side A in Calculus form along with Pythagorean Theorem. The Perimeter is 2" Enough said. These problems are creating too much unneeded stress on our generation of Geometry-ians. I am tired of crying myself to sleep after trying to map out the impossible bunny rabbit graphing problem. "WHY ARE MY WHISKERS ON HIS FEET??!!!" This is said by too many students these days. Get up from your eraser shedding covered desks and stand up to the MAN! We're not going down without a fight. Amen.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Simple Errands

Never in my life have I ever been bored enough to look forward to running errands till a couple days ago. I was laying on the couch wishing I was somewhere else and Tina was like, "I'm going out. Do want anything?" I was like, "I want to go with you." (Scene exaggerated)I figured that wasn't too expensive, right? So, our first stop was Home Depot to scope out prices for our new extensive garden. All is normal until we step into the massive store. I have never been bombarded by so many employees in my seventeen years of living. As we were walking, if we would see those overly courteous orange aprons, we would take a sudden detour avoiding eager workers. Also, since we were of the female persuasion, they think we don't know what a shovel is. As we passed the toilet aisle, I turned and all of the sudden I matrixed, avoiding the devious pipes soaring through the air by the distracted carrier. I feared for my life in that split second. He went, "Woo" while I went "Woo." It was all good, but I made a vow to myself to become more aware in such a hardcore zone. Walking with the newly acclaimed eagle eyes I possessed at that moment, a shirtless beach bum (not too hard on the eyes) walked by as I turned into the sharp corner that was the 'Lawn Mowers'. The bulky fertilizer on his husky shoulders was the ultimate test of strength. After he turned the corner away from our presence, I knelt to floor laughing in awe because of the sheer awkwardness this man oozed. After our adventure, we went to the local cafe (Starbucks)and sipped away at our frappes, reminiscing on the liveliness of our lives (for once).

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Today was the first step to a harsh yet delicate process-Spring Cleaning. Oh, how the smell of harsh chemicals really brighten up my day. I was down on my knees sniffling to sense of pride (not the dust) rising within myself. During this transformation, I learned something and that something was that cobwebs hide everywhere. You think, "Ohh phewww, it's clear captain." Two seconds later, 'INSERT GIRLISH SHRIEK HERE'. It's unbelievable because you know that around the corner must lurk the beast itself. You definately don't want to upset a massive spider or it's going down. I had a couple tiffies today while out in the field, but it's a good thing Mr. Bounty was on my side. We're cool like that.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Change of Plans Please?

Lately I've been on this college website checking out some details to further my education and advance me in life. At the moment, I want to go into nursing and cure some broken hearts, but sometimes I just wish I had something more extravagant planned for my future. It just seems so plain jane to be a nurse. I was thinking maybe I should minor in something completely random like water bottle packaging or elephant training, but hey what do I know? I just wish I would suddenly become extremely talented in juggling or greeting card making. My ultimate dream is to own a bakery. Now that's living large. I can see it now in big, expensive lettering, "Jamie's Deliciously Baked Goods". The only definite plans I have for my life is become famous and marry a Puerto Rican painter. OH, and own some fancy chateau with many vines. Yep, that's just about it.